
+ Checking SFP+ 32 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 33 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 34 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 35 0x50 .....
Verbose mode
Use the following steps to enable and set the verbose level.
1. Set the Verbose level with a value of 03 using bits 4 and 5 of the EDA control reg (0x55). For example, to set the verbose
level to 2, set bit 51 (5=1) and bit 40 (4=0). The value is written in hexadecimal. The xx10x1xx shows the bit positions
of 2, 4&5, and bit 0 on the right.
root@dellemc-diag-os:~# nvramtool --write --reg=0x55 --val=0x25
2. Enable Verbose mode by setting bit 2 of the same reg to 1.
NOTE: If you disable Verbose mode, or bit 2 of reg 0x55 is set to 0, the default verbosity level is 0/zero.
EDA control reg (0x55):
5:4EDA Verbose Level = 0/1/2/3 or verbosity level 0, 1, 2, or 3
3EDA Extended Tests
2EDA Verbose Mode = 0/1 (0=disabled; 1=enabled)
1EDA stop on Error
0EDA Enable
If you do not need the Verbose mode settings to persist through reboots, you can use the environment variable
method to enable Verbose Mode.
export VERB_LEVEL=<setting 0,1,2 or 3>
To clear the environment variable, use the unset VERB_LEVEL command.
The cpldupgradetool shows the CPLD version that is being used to upgrade the CPLD.
For newer platforms, such as the S5200-ON Series and Z9264F-ON, cpldupgradetool is replaced with the
There are no defined tests with cpldupgradetool.
CLI options
root@dellemc-diag-os:~# cpldupgradetool
DellEmc Diag - CPLD Upgrade Tool
version 1.1, x.xx.x.x-x
build, 2017/05/23,
Syntax: cpldupgradetool <option>
Print the Help-Text:=
cpldupgradetool --h (or)
cpldupgradetool -h
Print the CPLD versions:=
cpldupgradetool --cpldver (or)
cpldupgradetool -c
Dell EMC DAIG-OS tools