Users Guide

Parameters None
Default None
Command Mode EXEC
The hardware pool displays the ingress application groups (pools), the features mapped to each of these
groups, and the amount of used and free space available in each of the pools. The amount of space
required to store a single ACL rule in a pool depends on the keywidth of the TCAM slice.
The service pool displays the amount of used and free space for each of the features. The number of ACL
rules configured for a feature is displayed in the configured rules column. The number of used rows
depends on the number of ports the configured rules are applied on.
Z9100-ON platform
OS10# show acl-table-usage detail
Ingress ACL utilization - Pipe 0
Hardware Pools
Pool ID App(s) Used rows Free rows Max rows
0 SYSTEM_FLOW 98 414 512
1 SYSTEM_FLOW 98 414 512
2 SYSTEM_FLOW 98 414 512
3 USER_IPV4_ACL 4 508 512
4 USER_IPV4_ACL 4 508 512
5 FREE 0 512 512
6 USER_IPV6_ACL 4 508 512
7 USER_IPV6_ACL 4 508 512
8 USER_IPV6_ACL 4 508 512
9 USER_L2_ACL 4 508 512
10 USER_L2_ACL 4 508 512
11 FREE 0 512 512
Service Pools
App Allocated pools App group Configured rules
Used rows Free rows Max rows
USER_L2_ACL Shared:2 G9 1
2 254 256
USER_IPV4_ACL Shared:2 G3 1
2 254 256
USER_IPV6_ACL Shared:3 G6 1
2 254 256
SYSTEM_FLOW Shared:3 G0 49
49 207 256
Ingress ACL utilization - Pipe 1
Hardware Pools
Pool ID App(s) Used rows Free rows Max rows
0 SYSTEM_FLOW 98 414 512
1 SYSTEM_FLOW 98 414 512
2 SYSTEM_FLOW 98 414 512
3 USER_IPV4_ACL 0 512 512
4 USER_IPV4_ACL 0 512 512
5 FREE 0 512 512
6 USER_IPV6_ACL 0 512 512
7 USER_IPV6_ACL 0 512 512
8 USER_IPV6_ACL 0 512 512
9 USER_L2_ACL 0 512 512
10 USER_L2_ACL 0 512 512
11 FREE 0 512 512
Access Control Lists