Owner`s manual

Deleting A Snapshot Group
Use the Delete Snapshot Group option to delete a snapshot group.
The system performs the following actions when a snapshot group is deleted:
Deletes all existing snapshot images from the snapshot group.
Deletes the associated repository that exists for the snapshot group (if selected).
Disables all the associated snapshot virtual disks that exist for the deleted snapshot images.
To delete the snapshot group:
1. From the AMW, select the Storage & Copy Services tab.
2. Select the snapshot group that you want to delete and then select Copy ServicesSnapshot GroupDelete.
The Confirm Delete window is displayed.
3. Select Delete all repositories associated with this object? if you want to delete the associated repository that exists
for the snapshot group.
4. Type yes in the text box and then click Delete to delete the snapshot group.
Converting Snapshots (Legacy) To A Snapshot Group
Use the Convert Snapshots (Legacy) to Snapshot Group option a to convert a snapshot (Legacy) virtual disk and its
associated repository to a snapshot group. The system performs the following actions for each converted snapshot
(Legacy) virtual disk:
Deletes the snapshot (Legacy) virtual disk definition and creates a new snapshot group (the new snapshot group
is created empty, with no snapshot images).
Converts the associated snapshot (Legacy) repository virtual disk to a snapshot group repository.
Retains the same schedule (if a schedule has been defined) for the new snapshot group.
Creates a read-only snapshot virtual disk with a Paused status. The new snapshot virtual disk inherits the
World-Wide Name (WWN) and host mappings as the converted snapshot (Legacy) virtual disk.
NOTE: If the number of snapshots (Legacy) that exist for a given base virtual disk exceeds the maximum number of
allowed snapshot groups per base virtual disk, then you must delete any excess snapshots (Legacy) before
performing the conversion process.
Conversion Limitations
The conversion process is performed on a given base virtual disk, and applies to all snapshots of a given base
virtual disk.
If there is an online virtual disk copy related snapshot (legacy) on the base virtual disk, you must delete the
online virtual disk copy job before initiating the conversion process.
Snapshot (Legacy) virtual disks and snapshot groups cannot exist on the same base virtual disk. Therefore, any
snapshot (Legacy) virtual disk that you do not select for conversion is deleted from the storage array.
Converting Snapshots (Legacy)
1. From the AMW, select the Storage & Copy Services tab.
2. Select either a base virtual disk or a snapshot (legacy) virtual disk and then select one of the following menu paths
(depending your selection):