Owner`s manual

NOTE: If free capacity does not exist on the disk group or disk pool you selected, the free space that
appears in the Capacity spinner box is 0. If this storage array has Unconfigured Capacity, you can create a
new disk group or disk pool and then retry this operation using the new free capacity on that disk group or
disk pool.
6. Click Increase Repository.
The system performs the following actions:
Updates the capacity for the repository.
Displays the newly-added repository member virtual disk(s) for the repository.
Decreasing The Capacity Of The Overall Repository
An overall repository can contain multiple repository virtual disks.
Use the Decrease Capacity option to decrease the storage capacity of an existing overall repository for the following
storage objects:
Snapshot group
Snapshot virtual disk
Consistency group member virtual disk
Consistency group member snapshot virtual disk
Replicated pair virtual disk
You cannot decrease the storage capacity of the overall repository if one of these conditions exists:
The overall repository contains only one repository member virtual disk.
If there are one or more snapshot images associated with the overall repository.
If a snapshot virtual disk or a consistency group member snapshot virtual disk is disabled.
The following guidelines apply:
You can remove repository member virtual disks only in the reverse order that they were added.
An overall repository must have at least one repository member virtual disk.
You cannot increase or decrease the repository capacity for a snapshot virtual disk that is read-only because it
does not have an associated repository. Only snapshot virtual disks that are read-write require a repository.
When you decrease capacity for a snapshot virtual disk or a consistency group member snapshot virtual disk,
the system automatically transitions the virtual disk to a Disabled state.
To decrease the overall repository capacity:
1. From the AMW, select the Storage & Copy Services tab.
2. Select the storage object for which you want to decrease the repository capacity and then select Overall
Repository Decrease Capacity.
The Decrease Repository Capacity window is displayed.
3. Select one or more repository virtual disks from the Repository member virtual disks table that you want to remove.
The table displays the member virtual disks in reverse order that they were added for the storage object.
When you can click on any row in the table, that row and all rows above it are selected.
The last row of the table, which is the first repository added, is disabled because at least one repository
must exist for the storage object.
4. Click Delete selected repository virtual disks if you want to delete all associated repositories that exist for each
member virtual disk selected in the Repository member virtual disks table.
5. Click Decrease Repository.