Owner`s manual

MB/second — The current MB per second, or transfer rate for the current polling interval.
Read Percentage — The percentage of total I/Os that are read operations for this storage array. Write
percentage can be calculated as 100 minus this value.
Cache Hit Percentage — The percentage of total I/Os that are fulfilled by data from the cache rather than
requiring an actual read from disk.
Values are displayed for the selected storage arrays in the Performance Monitor data table. The table is updated at
the interval specified in the Polling Interval setting.
6. In the Device list, select the device you want to monitor for the metric you selected in step 5.
You can view either real-time or historical performance metrics for the following devices:
RAID controller module
Virtual disk
Disk group
Storage array totals
7. Click Add to move the metric/device pair you selected to the Selected table display area.
For historical data, you can select up to four devices and one metric to view per graph. For real-time data, you can
select only one metric and one device to view per graph.
8. After you finish selecting the metric/device pairs on which you want to report, click View Graph.
The View Graph window is displayed.
9. On the View Graph window, review the performance data displayed for the selected metric/device pair.
10. If you define more than two graphs and want to view a different graph:
a) Click Close.
b) In the Selected table, select a different graph, and then click View Graph.
11. For historical data graphs:
a) Click Save As on the Graphical Performance Monitor window to save the currently displayed performance
b) Select the directory where you want to save the file.
c) Type a file name in File name.
d) Select the Comma Delimited Format file type if you want to save the data in a form that can be imported into a
commercial spreadsheet application.
e) Click Save to save the file.