Users Guide

Servicing the library
Library logs
Figure 102. View Library Logs screen
Select Service Library > View Library Logs to display a log history summary of errors that occurred.
The error log is displayed with sense data information. The summary can be ltered to display errors with
specic sense data code types.
Click Refresh to read the log of errors from the tape library.
Click detail in the index of error messages to see more information about the error.
The information that is displayed for the error comprises:
Index number in the error listing.
Date Time
Timestamp of the error
Check Code
Library error code. Information about errors and actions to resolve the problem is listed in Appendix
A, “Error codes,” on page 115
Sense Key
Sense data is generated by a drive when it encounters errors. Information about sense keys is listed in
“Sense Key denitions” on page 139
Additional Sense Code/Additional Sense Code Qualiers. Information about ASC/ASCQ is listed in
“Library sense data” on page 139
Chapter 4. Operations