Users Guide

Table 26. TapeAlert flags supported by the Ultrium tape drive (continued)
Flag Number Flag Name Description Action Required
6 Write failure Set for any unrecoverable write or
positioning error where isolation
is uncertain and failure might be
because of a faulty tape cartridge.
If Flag Number 9 is also set, make
sure that the write-protect switch
is set so that data can be written
to the tape. See “Write-Protect
switch” on page 97.
If Flag Number 4 is also set, the
tape cartridge is defective.
Replace the tape cartridge.
7 Media life Set when the tape cartridge
reaches its end of life (EOL).
1. Copy the data to another tap
2. Discard the old (EOL) tape.
8 Not data grade Set when the tape cartridge is not
data-grade. Any data that you
back up to the tape is at risk.
Replace the tape cartridge with a
data-grade tape cartridge.
9 Write protect Set when the tape drive detects
that the tape cartridge is write-
Ensure that the cartridge's write-
protect switch is set so that data
can be written to the tape. See
“Write-Protect switch” on page
10 No removal Set when the tape drive receives
an UNLOAD command after the
server prevented the tape
cartridge from being removed.
Refer to the documentation for
your server's operating system.
11 Cleaning media Set when a cleaning tape is
loaded into the drive.
No action that is required. Status
12 Unsupported
Set when a non-supported
cartridge type is loaded into the
drive or when the cartridge format
was corrupted.
Replace the invalid cartridge with
a supported tape cartridge.
14 Unrecoverable
snapped tape
Set when the operation failed
because the tape in the drive
Do not attempt to extract the tape
cartridge. See “Contacting Dell
technical support” on page 111.
15 Cartridge memory
chip failure
Set when a cartridge memory
(CM) failure is detected on the
loaded tape cartridge.
Replace the tape cartridge.
16 Forced eject Set when a tape cartridge was
unloaded manually while the drive
was reading or writing.
No action that is required. Status
17 Media that are
loaded is Read-
only format
Set when a cartridge marked as
read-only is loaded into the drive.
The flag is cleared when the
cartridge is ejected.
No action that is required. Status
18 Tape directory that
is corrupted in
cartridge memory
Set when the tape drive detects
that the tape directory in the
cartridge memory was corrupted.
Re-read all data from the tape to
rebuild the tape directory.
Appendix B. TapeAlert flags 135