Users Guide

access mode
library conguration 33
keyboard 152
repeat rate of up and down buttons 152
shortcut keys 152
accessor 90
accessor locking screw
removing 28
Accessor locking screw 5
accessor statistics, viewing 90
acclimation 22
account types 16
Acoustical specications 10
active slots 33, 47, 58
address 36
administrator 71
application managed encryption 77
application managed encryption (AME) 37
Attention LED 13
authentication 39, 81
auto cleaning 33, 47
autoload 33, 47
back light 61
Bar code labels
guidelines for using 96
Bar code reader 5
cables 110
cables, reseating 110
Write-Protect switch 97
capacity scaling 91
cleaning 95
compatibility 93
data 91
M8 93
proper handling 97
specications 100
Type M 93
cartridge assignment 33
cartridge magazine 2, 3, 113
cartridge magazine, unlocking 70
cartridge magazines 55
Cartridge, environment 98
cleaning 8
CE log, dumping 88
certicate notications 83
channel calibration 7
Clean Drive LED 13
cleaning 56
cleaning the drive 69
cold weather procedures 22
Web User Interface 32
conguring auto cleaning 58
control keys 2
data cartridges 8
date and time settings 78
date settings 47, 60, 78
default settings 30, 62
device drivers, supported 12
DHCP 35, 46, 60
diagnosing problems 103
diagnostics 62, 63
display elements 16
DNS server IP address 35, 46
downloading drive logs 88
rebooting 58
drive cleaning 56
drive diagnostics 63
drive logs, downloading 88
EKM 37
electrical specications 10
email 38, 80
email notications 38, 80
emailing 110
emailing logs 110
emergency release 3
conguration 37
encryption key manager 37
Encryption Key Manager (EKM) 37
encryption key manager conguration 37
encryption policy 37, 77
encryption settings 77
environmental specications 10
error codes 115, 128
Error LED 13
error logs 102, 110
error messages 102, 128
error messages and resolutions 102
error status 62
ethernet port 5, 28