Users Guide

4. Enter the settings of the SNMP monitoring stations to be notied when an event takes place by clicking
the modify buttons in the Trap List box.
Figure 39. SNMP trap settings
Validity - Select the check box to enable and clear the check box to disable.
Address - IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. Host names can be entered instead of numerical
IP addresses if the DNS server is specied.
Version - Trap version v1, v2c, or v3. For v2c and v3, the Inform check box determines if an SNMP
INFORM request is sent instead of a trap event.
Community (v1 or v2c) - SNMP community name.
User name (v3 only) - SNMPv3 unique user name.
Authentication (v3 only) - Authentication algorithm: disable, MD5, or SHA.
Authentication Password - When an Authentication algorithm is enabled, an Authentication
Password is required. (see “Conguring Password Rules Settings” on page 44).
Conrm - Re-enter the Authentication Password to conrm it.
Privacy (v3 only) - Privacy service encryption and decryption algorithm: disable, DES, or AES. When
an algorithm is specied, a privacy password is required.
Privacy password - enter a password (see “Conguring Password Rules Settings” on page 44).
Conrm - Re-enter the Privacy password to conrm it.
5. Click Submit to save the SNMP Trap settings. Modify each trap's settings by repeating the previous
6. Enter the SNMPv3 users who are allowed to access the tape library by clicking the modify buttons in
the SNMPv3 User List box.
Chapter 3. Installation and
conguration 41