Users Guide

Figure 41. User access settings
2. To add, modify, or remove a user account, do the following:
Add a user account:
a. Click Add
Figure 42. Add User dialog box
b. Enter the User Name and Password into the dialog box and assign the user's role. Re-enter
password to Conrm.
c. Select one of the following from the Role menu:
User - User access permission allows users to monitor the library, but not to complete
functions that affect the library.
Superuser - Superuser access permission allows users to operate the physical and logical
library, but not to change conguration settings.
Administrator - Administrator access permission allows users to complete tape library
functions and change conguration settings.
Service - Service access permission allows users to complete tape library functions and
change conguration settings. In addition, service access permission allows the use of
diagnostic tools to help identify and resolve library and drive problems. The service account
user can no longer change the passwords for other account users.
d. Click Submit to save the new user.
Chapter 3. Installation and
conguration 43