Users Guide

Monitoring the library
The system summary
Figure 76. System Summary screen
Select Monitor System > System Summary to display a summary of the status of the tape drive and the
library, and the current conguration of the library, comprising:
Library name
Library status (OK, Degraded, or Failed). It displays Not Ready while initializing.
Drive status (OK, Degraded, or Failed). It displays Empty, Loading, or Ejected when the drive is empty,
loading media, or media is ejected or unloaded in the drive. It displays Cleaning when the cleaning
cartridge is in the drive, and Initializing while initializing.
Magazine status (Open/Closed, when Magazine is enabled)
Operator Panel LED indicators
Number of cartridges and slot conguration
Cartridge in the drive (0 or 1); Slots value is always “N/A”
Number of cartridges in the active slots; Number of active slots
Number of cartridges in the cleaning/inactive slots; Number of cleaning/inactive slots
Number of cartridges in the I/O Station (0 or 1) when enabled; Number of I/O Station slots
Number of cartridges in the reserved slot; Number of reserved slots
Library rmware version
Library serial number
Drive rmware version
Chapter 4. Operations