Users Guide

Taking the library online and offline
Figure 81. Library State screen
Select Manage Library > Library State to take the library online or offline. Check the library status, and
click the button that is displayed to change the library status.
It is sometimes necessary to take the library offline before library servicing functions are completed.
Once these operations are nished, it is necessary to bring the library back online.
Note: The tape drive is always online, even when the library is offline.
Conducting a library inventory
Figure 82. Inventory screen
Select Manage Library > Inventory to force the library to run an inventory of the cartridge magazine,
accessor, and tape drive to refresh the library map. Conduct an inventory by clicking the Start button. The
Inventory Progress bar indicates the process in action. Wait until the operation nishes before normal
library operations resume.
Figure 83. Inventory progress bar
An inventory is conducted automatically when the power is rst turned ON or when a cartridge magazine
is inserted.
Unlocking the cartridge magazine
Figure 84. Unlock magazine
Select Manage Library > Unlock Magazine to unlock and remove the cartridge magazine. When the
cartridge magazine is unlocked, it can be removed from the library to insert or remove data and cleaning
cartridges. When the cartridge magazine is fully inserted, the magazine locks into place. After the
magazine is closed, wait for the library to complete its inventory before normal library operations resume.
Note: A blue release gate in the upper left corner of each column in the cartridge magazine prevents each
cartridge from falling out of the front of the magazine. When manually releasing the gate with one hand,
position your other hand in front of the column opening to protect cartridges that are ejected by the
internal column spring.
Note: If the cartridge magazine is not removed within 5 minutes, it is automatically locked.
Dell PowerVault TL1000 Tape Autoloader: User's Guide