Users Guide

Enter all user IDs and passwords on the Library Conguration form in Appendix D, “Library Conguration
Form,” on page 149.
Click Submit to transfer the settings to the library. A dialog message is displayed when the settings are
updated successfully.
Conguring Password Rules Settings
Figure 88. Password Rules screen
The Password Rules tab displays the rules for user passwords.
Minimum number of characters - Choose the minimum password length. The factory default value is 8.
The maximum password length is 16.
Minimum number of upper case alphabetic characters (A-Z) - Choose the minimum number of
uppercase alphabetic characters. The factory default value is 1.
Minimum number of lower case alphabetic characters (a-z) - Choose the minimum number of
lowercase alphabetic characters. The factory default value is 1.
Minimum number of numeric characters (0-9) - Choose the minimum number of numeric characters.
The factory default value is 1.
Minimum number of special characters (!@#$%^&*()_+={}|[]\;':"<>?,./) - Choose the
minimum number of special characters. The factory default value is 0.
Maximum number of identical consecutive characters - Choose the maximum number of identical
consecutive characters. The factory default value is 2. There is no limitation if 0 is selected.
Maximum number of failed logins before password is locked - Choose the maximum number of failed
logins before the password is locked. The factory default value is 5. Possible range for this conguration
option is 0 - 10. There is no limitation if 0 is selected.
Maximum number of days before password must be changed - Choose the maximum number of days
before the password must be changed. There is no limitation if 0 is selected.
Minimum number of days before password can be changed - Choose the minimum number of days
before the password can be changed. A password can be changed immediately if 0 is selected.
Number of password changes before an old password can be used again - Choose the number of
password changes that are required before a password can be used again. A password can be reused
immediately if 0 is selected.
Click Submit to save all the information.
Chapter 4. Operations