CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Legal Values None
Default Value Not Applicable
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not applicable
BIOS.MemSettings.VideoMem (Read or Write)
Indicates the total amount of video memory available to the embedded video controller.
[Zhengyu]:Not used in 13G
Legal Values
Default Value Not Applicable
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not applicable
To manage the miscellaneous objects settings, use the object in this group.
BIOS.MiscSettings.AssetTag (Read or Write)
This field displays the Asset Tag and allows you to modify it. The Asset Tag is a string assigned to a
system, usually by an administrator, for security or tracking purposes. The Asset Tag can be up to 63
printable US-ASCII characters.
Legal Values
Default Value Not Applicable
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not applicable
NOTE: Using XML escape symbols such as < or > or & as AssetTag or as a substring in the AssetTag will
be configured as regular characters that they represent.
BIOS.MiscSettings.CapsuleFirmwareUpdate (Read or Write)
This field enables or disables BIOS update using a UEFI capsule update package. NOTE: If this option is
disabled, you will not be able to update the BIOS using services such as Windows Update. This setting has
effect only when Boot Mode is set to 'UEFI'.
Legal Values
Default Value Not Applicable
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
300 BIOS Attributes