CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not applicable
BIOS.SysProfileSettings.WriteDataCrc (Read or Write)
When set to Enabled, DDR4 data bus faults are detected and corrected during 'write' operations. Two
additional cycles are required for CRC bit generation which results in performance impact. Read-only
unless System Profile is set to Custom.
Has a dependency on the System Profile. Can only be set if the System Profile is set to Custom. Is
set to Disabled if the System Profile is set to Performance Per Watt (DAPC), Performance Per Watt
(OS), Performance Per Watt (HWPM), Performance, or Dense. This feature is available on Broadwell
processors only.
Legal Values
Default Value Not Applicable
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not applicable
To manage the system security properties of the BIOS, use the objects in this group.
After modifying the IntelTxt attribute value, the pending flag is enabled for the dependent attributes such as
TpmActivation, TpmClear, and TpmSecurity.
BIOS.SysSecurity.AcPwrRcvry (Read or Write)
Specifies how the system reacts after AC power has been restored to the system. It is especially useful
when systems are turned off with a power strip. When set to Off, the system stays off after AC power is
restored. When set to On, the system turns on after AC power is restored. When set to Last, the system
turns on if the system was on at the moment when AC power was lost. The system will remain off if the
system was turned off when AC power was lost. In case of an ungraceful shutdown, the system always
turns on.
Legal Values
Default Value Not Applicable
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not applicable
BIOS.SysSecurity.AcPwrRcvryDelay (Read or Write)
Allows staggering of power up after AC power is restored to the system. When set to Immediate, there
is no delay for power-up. When set to Random, the system creates a random delay for power-up. When
set to User Defined, the system delays power-up by that amount. The system supported user defined
power-up delay is defined by the User Defined Delay field.
BIOS Attributes 395