CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Write Privilege None
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not Applicable
NIC.VndrConfigPage.ForwardErrorCorrection (Read or Write)
Type of FEC to use on the link. Shall not be implemented on adapters where it is not appropriate.
Legal Values
Fire Code (Clause 74)
RS-FEC (Clause 91, 108, 134)
Default Value Auto
Write Privilege None
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not Applicable
NIC.VndrConfigPage.FrmwImgMenu (Read Only)
HII form title for Firmware Image Properties.
Legal Values None
Default Value None
Write Privilege None
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not Applicable
NIC.VndrConfigPage.FrmwImgMenuRef (Read Only)
Configuration page form reference for the Firmware Image Properties Form.
Legal Values None
Default Value None
Write Privilege None
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not Applicable
NIC.VndrConfigPage.HairpinMode (Read or Write)
Traffic from one partition to another on separate physical ports is forwarded by the external switch.
The e-switch external port can enable hairpin mode when NPar 2.0 is selected on the physical port. A
configuration option would enable hairpin mode on a per partition basis. The server IOM will also support
hairpin mode such that it can forward NIC partition to partition traffic on the same physical port. Hairpin
mode will be disabled by default and is configurable when when NPar 2.0 capability is enabled.
Legal Values
NIC Attributes 941