Users Guide

How to query the Microsoft Knowledge Base by using
keywords and query words
To quickly find an article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base, you can search by using keywords and query words. This article lists keywords
and query words that you can use in your searches. You can also find keywords and query words by looking in the "Keywords" and
"Additional query words" sections that are found in some articles. Using the keywords and query words that are listed in one article may
help find other articles that have similar content. However, some query words are only used for older content and may not help you find
the most current information. Use a variety of search techniques to make sure that you receive the best search result.
Using keywords in your searches
Some articles have a "Keywords" section. The Knowledge Base is large, and it is constantly being updated. The team responsible for
managing the Knowledge Base regularly adds keywords to Knowledge Base articles to help automate this work. You can use these
keywords in your searches to locate articles that are related to your specific issue.
The following is a list of frequently used keywords. However, keep in mind that there are many keywords that are not listed here. Check
the articles that you most frequently use to find keywords that may not be listed here, but that may help in your other searches.
Table 4. Windows Keywords
Query Word Description
kbBackup Creating or restoring backups of the computer system
kbClustering Server Cluster
kbDefrag Microsoft Defragmenter
kbDisasterRec Disaster recovery
kbDualBoot Dual booting
kbenable Accessibility: information
kbEnableHear Accessibility: hearing features
kbEnableLearn Accessibility: learning features
kbEnableMove Accessibility: sight features
kbenv Environment and configuration information including OS, registry
kbEvent Events, event models, custom events
kbEventLog Event logging
kbFax Fax
kbformat Formatting
kbkern32dll Kernel 32 issues and errors in Windows
kbKernBase Kernel/Base issues
kbNLB Network Load Balancing Cluster, Windows Load Balancing Service
kbRD Remote Desktop
kbRegistry Windows registry
kbRPC Remote procedure calls
kbSafeMod Safe Mode
kbScanDisk Microsoft ScanDisk
kbshell The Windows shell that lets users group-start and otherwise
control applications
kbsound Sound/audio
kbSysPrepTool Microsoft Systems Preparation Tool
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