Users Guide

Table Of Contents
7–Linux Driver Software
Installing Linux Driver Software
Doc No. BC0054508-00 Rev. R
January 21, 2021 Page 38 Copyright © 2021 Marvell
7. For FCoE offload, after rebooting, create configuration files for all FCoE ethX
cd /etc/fcoe
cp cfg-ethx cfg-<ethX FCoE interface name>
8. For FCoE offload or iSCSI-offload-TLV, modify
/etc/fcoe/cfg-<interface> by setting DCB_REQUIRED=yes to
9. Turn on all ethX interfaces.
ifconfig <ethX> up
10. For SLES, use YaST (an installation and configuration tool for openSUSE
and the SUSE Linux Enterprise distributions) to configure your Ethernet
interfaces to automatically start at boot by setting a static IP address or
enabling DHCP on the interface.
11. For FCoE offload and iSCSI-offload-TLV, disable lldpad on Marvell
Converged Network Adapter interfaces. This step is required because
Marvell utilizes an offloaded DCBX client.
lldptool set-lldp –i <ethX> adminStatus=disasbled
12. For FCoE offload and iSCSI-offload-TLV, make sure
/var/lib/lldpad/lldpad.conf is created and each <ethX> block
does not specify adminStatus, or if specified, it is set to 0
(adminStatus=0) as follows.
lldp :
eth5 :
tlvid00000001 :
info = "04BC305B017B73";
tlvid00000002 :
info = "03BC305B017B73";
Note that your distribution might have a different naming scheme for
Ethernet devices (that is, pXpX or emX instead of ethX).