White Papers

Quick Deploy Settings Details
5 MX7000 Quick Deploy and Slot Deployment | Document ID
MX7000 Main Quick Deploy Settings Page.
Quick Deploy Settings Details
There are multiple combinations that can be used to perform quick deploy settings to one or more devices.
Moreover the user can prepare configurations for empty slots the maybe used in the future.
Listed fields in the UI are described below:
Top Section
iDRAC Configuration
Root password to be set (optional).
Confirm Password
Confirmation for the password to be set
Management IP
IPv4 Enable
Enable or Disable IPv4.
IPv4 Network Type
Static or DHCP. If Static, then Subnet mask
and Gateway must be set.
IPv6 Enable
Enable or Disable IPv6.
IPv6 Network Type
Static or DHCP. If static, then IPv6 Subnet
mask and IPv6 Gateway must be set.
Top Header Section for Quick Deploy Settings.
In the slots configuration section a slot can be selected by the checkbox, or unselected by unchecking the
checkbox. Furthermore slot can be empty or occupied. If a slot is selected that means the configuration will be
applied to the empty slot or the device in the slot. When a slot is occupied after saving the quick deploy
settings the configurations will be immediately set on the device. If slot is not occupied the configuration will
be persisted in the local data base, and when a device is inserted into that slot then the configurations will be
applied to the device via a device configuration job.