Owner's Manual

shutdown command. Configure OF VLAN members in the same way as you would configure a legacy
NOTE: You cannot assign the default VLAN as an OF VLAN.
There is an interface-type parameter in each instance. By default, this parameter is set to port,
indicating that the instance is used for OF ports. To use an OF instance in an OF VLAN, change this
parameter to vlan, as shown in the example below:
Dell(conf)#openflow of-instance 1
Dell(conf-of-instance-1)#interface-type vlan
To use both OF ports and OF VLANs, set the interface type to any.
NOTE: Dell Networking does not recommend using the interface type any unless both OF ports
and OF VLANs are required in a single instance. If you use the any interface type, the number of
ACL flows available to the controller is reduced by half (for example, to 128 of 256 available entries
or to 256 of 512 available entries).
The following configuration example associates VLAN 100 (with tagged members Te 0/0 and Te 0/1) to
of-instance 1:
Dell(conf)#interface vlan 100 of-instance 1
Dell(conf-if-vl-100)#tagged tengigabitethernet 0/0
Dell(conf-if-vl-100)#tagged tengigabitethernet 0/1
Dell(conf-if-vl-100)#no shutdown
To display the OF VLANs and OF VLAN members associated with the OF instance, use the show
openflow of-instance
command , as shown below:
Dell#show openflow of-instance
Instance : 1
Admin State : Up
Interface Type : Vlan
DP Id : 00:01:00:01:e8:8b:1a:30
Forwarding Tbls : acl
Flow map :
EchoReq interval: 15 seconds
Connect interval: 15 seconds
Number of Flows : 0
Packets (acl) : -
Bytes (acl) : -
Controller 1 : TCP,, connected (equal)
Controller 2 : -
Port List :
Vlan List :
Vl 100
Vlan Mbr list :
Te 0/0 (1), Te 0/1 (2)