Administrator Guide

1 Connect a network cable to the LOM (Lights Out Management) Ethernet port on a NAS controller. The LOM Ethernet port is located
on the lower right side of the back panel of a NAS controller.
2 Connect a Windows client to the iBMC.
a Connect a Windows client to the same network used for the LOM Ethernet port.
b Open a web browser. In the address bar of the web browser, type the iBMC IP address of the NAS controller. The iBMC login
page appears.
c In the Username eld, type ADMIN.
d In the Password eld, type the iBMC password.
e Click OK. The iBMC Properties page appears.
3 Launch the iBMC virtual KVM.
a In the navigation pane, expand vKVM & vMedia and click Launch.
b In the right pane, click Launch Java KVM Client. The Video Viewer appears and displays the FluidFS cluster console.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common problems encountered when using a FluidFS cluster.
Troubleshoot Active Directory Issues
This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common Active Directory problems.
Group Quota For an Active Directory User Does Not Work
A group quota rule is dened for an Active Directory group; however, when a group member consumes space,
the actual usage of the group does not grow and the group limitation is not enforced.
Cause Quota enforcement is performed based on the UID and GID of the le (UNIX) or the SID and the GSID of the
primary group of the user (NTFS), if dened.
For Active Directory users, the Primary Group setting is not mandatory, and if not dened, the used space is
not accounted to any group. For group quota to be eective with Active Directory users, their primary group
must be assigned.
Workaround To set up the primary group for an Active Directory user:
1 Open the Active Directory management.
2 Right-click on the user and select Properties.
3 Select the Member Of tab.
4 The group you need must be listed. Click the group and then click Set Primary Group.
Now quotas takes eect for the user's group.
Active Directory User Authentication Fails
A valid Active Directory user fails to authenticate.
Cause Probable causes might be:
The user is trying to authenticate using an incorrect password.
The user is locked or disabled in Active Directory.
The Active Directory domain controllers are oine or unreachable.
The FluidFS cluster system time and Active Directory clock are out of sync.
FluidFS Administration 495