Owners Manual

Figure 36. Removing and installing integrated storage controller card
Integrated storage controller cable 2. Integrated storage controller card
3. Integrated storage-controller card connector on the system
4. Integrated storage controller card holder
Next steps
1. Replace the expansion-card riser 1.
2. Replace the cooling shroud.
3. Follow the procedure listed in the After working inside your system section.
Related References
Safety instructions on page 46
Related tasks
Before working inside your system on page 47
After working inside your system on page 47
Installing integrated storage controller card
1. Follow the safety guidelines listed in the Safety instructions section.
2. Follow the procedure listed in the Before working inside your system section.
3. Remove the cooling shroud.
4. Remove the expansion-card riser 1.
5. Keep the #2 Phillips screwdriver handy.
Installing and removing system components