Reference Guide

Shows help for command options.
–index integer
Species a user index by which to lter the display.
–privilege string
Species user privilege by which to lter the display. Available options are:
–realname string
Species user real name by which to lter the display.
Flag indicating that user groups will be displayed by index rather than by name.
–txt filename
Species a txt le in which to save output.
–user_groups string
Species by name user groups by which to lter the display.
–username string
Species a user name by which to lter the display.
–xml filename
Species an xml le in which to save output.
The following information is output to the console in table format.
Index Shows the user(s) index.
User_Name Shows user name(s).
Privilege Shows user privilege level(s).
RealName Shows user real name(s).
Email Shows user email address(es).
Enabled Shows which users are enabled on the Storage Center.
User_Groups Shows the groups to which users belong. If the –showgroupindex ag is set, shows user groups by
index not by name.
74 Command Reference