Users Guide

SMTP Server: Enter the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server host name or IP address.
From: Enter the email address to use as the sender.
To: Enter one or more email addresses that will be sent notications. Separate addresses using commas (,).
Subject: Enter subject text to use for notications. If a subject is specied, the node that generated the notication is included in
the body of the email only, preceded by Creation Host: If no subject is specied, the subject text is automatically generated
based on the backup set name, and includes the node name of the server that generated the notication.
Notify on success: If selected, sends an email notication for each successful snapshot.
Notify on verication failure (Available only for Exchange Stores extensions): If selected, sends an email notication for each
Exchange verication failure.
Notify on failure: If selected, sends an email notication for each failed snapshot.
5 To send an email to test the notication settings, click Send a Test Email.
NOTE: If the test email is not successful, make sure the SMTP server has the correct relay permissions. This is
especially important when sending email to an external email address.
Set Replay Manager Options for a Server or Host
Use the following procedure to congure the LUN mappings and the Storage Center connection timeout for the server or host.
1 In the Server Connections area of the navigation pane, connect to the server to congure.
2 In the Conguration area of the navigation pane, click Congure Server.
3 Click the Options tab.
4 Set the following options:
Backup Set Copy Path: Use this option to make a copy of the Replay Manager backup set data (XML and other les) at another
location. The copy can be used to restore the data if the original volume containing the backup set data becomes lost. Moreover, if
the copy is placed on a Storage Center volume, the Storage Center can be used to replicate the volume to a remote Disaster
Recovery (DR) site for additional safekeeping. By default, backup set information is not copied to another location.
Mapping LUN Range (Low/High): Use these elds to specify a range of LUNs to be used by Replay Manager to map volumes
back to a server. Default is 1 through 254.
Storage Center Connection Timeout (sec): Use this option to set a timeout value in seconds for the Replay Manager connection
time to the Storage Center. The default is 300 seconds.
: Replay Manager rst attempts to expire Replays without mapping the Replay to a server. If Replay Manager
cannot expire the unmapped Replay, it maps the Replay back to the server to expire the Replay. In this case, the number
of available LUNs must be equal to or greater than the total number of unexpired Replays managed by Replay Manager.
If no LUNs are available, backups will fail and Replay Manager will be unable to expire transportable snapshots.
26 Getting Started