Release Notes

Open Issues
The following issues are present in Storage Center 7.1.
Open Issues Related to Data Reduction
The following open issues are related to Data Reduction:
Table 36. Open Data Reduction Issues
Issue Description
SCOS-13237 The Storage Type Data Reduction statistics might be incorrect if the amount of data eligible for Data
Reduction contains fewer than 256 pages.
Workaround: None
Open Issues Related to Hardware
The following open issues are related to hardware:
Table 37. Open Hardware Issues
Issue Description
SCOS-18759 The QLe246x Fibre Channel I/O Card takes longer to rebalance in Storage Center 7.1 than it did in
previous versions of Storage Center.
Workaround: The QLe246x I/O card is not supported in Storage Center 7.1 and must be replaced
with a supported Fibre Channel I/O card.
SCOS-18490 When connected directly to the Storage Center using the Storage Manager Client, an error occurs in
the hardware change wizard while performing a hardware migration from an SC040 running Storage
Center 6.7 to an SC8000 running Storage Center 7.1.
Workaround: Connect to the Storage Manager Data Collector using the Storage Manager Client and
then run the hardware change wizard on the Storage Center.
SCOS-10427 In rare instances, an SCv2000 series or SC4020 storage system may not initialize following a reset or
power cycle.
Workaround: Reboot the storage system by performing a power cycle on the controllers. After the
controllers are power cycled, the storage system boots up successfully.
SCOS-6516 In rare instances, the internal boot device on an SC9000 controller may become unusable following an
unexpected power event and the controller will not boot.
Workaround: Contact Dell Technical Support.
Open Issues Related to Replications and Live Volumes
The following open issues are related to replications and Live Volumes:
Table 38. Open Replication and Live Volume Issues
Issue Description
SCOS-18102 The status of a cross-platform replication partner changes to down when the number of snapshots
exceed 1025.
Workaround: The maximum number of supported snapshots for a cross-platform replication is 512. To
resolve this issue, manually remove the snapshots until there are less than 512 snapshots and change
the expiration dates of snapshots for the replication volume to a manageable expiration time.
SCOS-17981 Server mappings may not be completely removed when a server is removed from an OS cluster using
Dell Storage Manager prior to the server being removed from the OS cluster.
Dell Storage Center 7.1 Release Notes 21