Administrator Guide

View Summary Information for All UPS Units that Serve the Storage
The UPS node on the Hardware tab displays summary information for the UPS units that provide backup power for the Storage Center.
A UPS unit must have been configured for the Storage Center.
1. If the Storage Manager Client is connected to a Data Collector, select a Storage Center from the Storage view.
2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, select UPS. The right pane displays summary information.
View Summary Information for a UPS Unit that Serves the Storage
The Hardware tab displays summary information for the UPS units that provide backup power for the Storage Center.
A UPS must have been configured for the Storage Center.
1. If the Storage Manager Client is connected to a Data Collector, select a Storage Center from the Storage view.
2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, under the UPS node, select the name of a UPS unit. The right pane displays summary
Viewing Storage Center Information