Users Guide

FluidFS Statistics Information
The following figure shows an example of usage statistics for a FluidFS cluster.
Figure 16. Usage Statistics for a FluidFS Cluster
The following table describes the FluidFS usage statistics information.
Label Description
NAS Volume Name Name of the volume
Size Size of the volume
Unused (Reserved) Space A portion of a thin-provisioned NAS volume that is dedicated to the NAS volume (no
other volumes can take the space). The amount of reserved space is specified by the
storage administrator. Reserved space is used before unreserved space.
Unused (Unreserved) Space Space allocated for the NAS pool that has not been used
Snapshot Space Storage space occupied by snapshots of a NAS volume
Overcommited Space
A portion of a thin-provisioned NAS volume that is not available and not in use by the
NAS volume. The amount of overcommitted space for a NAS volume is: (NAS volume
size) – (NAS volume available space) – (NAS volume used space)
With thin provisioning, storage space is consumed only when data is physically written
to the NAS volume, not when the NAS volume is initially allocated. This provisioning
means more storage space can be allocated to the NAS volumes than has been
allocated in the NAS pool itself.
Volume Folder Name of the NAS volume folder
Used Vs Unused Space Bar charts showing comparison of used space and unused space
Connectivity Info Tab
The Connectivity Info tab displays connectivity information about the selected Dell volume.
The following figures shows the connectivity information for a Storage Center.
Viewing Dell Storage Information