Administrator Guide

d. When you are finished, click Next. The wizard advances to the next page.
7. Manage server folders for the local user group.
a. If you need to create a server folder, click Create Server Folder, then complete the fields in the Create Server Folder
dialog box.
b. To add a server folder, select the server folder(s) you want to add in the upper table, then click Add Server Folders. The
server folders move from the upper table to the lower table.
c. To remove a server folder, select the server folder(s) you want to remove from the local user group in the lower table, then
click Remove Server Folders. The server folders move from the lower table to the upper table.
d. When you are finished, click Next. The wizard advances to the next page.
8. Manage disk folders for the local user group.
a. Add or remove a disk folder.
To add a disk folder, select the disk folder(s) you want to add in the upper table, then click Add Disk Folders. The disk
folders move from the upper table to the lower table.
To remove a disk folder, select the disk folder(s) you want to remove from the local user group in the lower table, then
click Remove Disk Folders. The disk folders move from the lower table to the upper table.
b. When you are done, click Finish. The wizard closes.
9. Click OK to close the Edit Settings dialog box.
Delete a Local Storage Center User Group
Delete a local Storage Center user group if it is no longer needed.
1. Expand the Dell Storage Manager menu, and then click Storage.
2. In the SC Series tab, select a Storage Center to open the Storage Center view.
3. In the Summary tab, click Settings. The Edit Storage Center Settings dialog box opens.
4. Click the Users and User Groups tab.
5. On the Local User Groups subtab, select the local user group, then click Delete. The Delete dialog box opens.
6. Click Yes to confirm deletion, then click OK to close the Edit Settings dialog box.
Managing Local Storage Center User Password Requirements
Setting password requirements for local Storage Center users increases the password security for all Storage Center local users.
Configure Local Storage Center User Password Requirements
Set local user password requirements to increase the complexity of local user passwords and improve the security of the Storage
About this task
NOTE: For user interface reference information, click Help.
1. Expand the Dell Storage Manager menu, and then click Storage.
2. In the SC Series tab, select a Storage Center to open the Storage Center view.
3. In the Summary tab, click . The Edit Storage Center Settings dialog box opens.
4. Click the Password Configuration tab.
5. Select the Enabled check box.
6. Configure the password requirements as necessary.
To set the number of previous passwords that Storage Center checks against when validating a password, type a value in
the History Retained field. To disable previous password validation, type 0.
To set the minimum number of characters in a new password, type a value in the Minimum Length field. To match the
Storage Center minimum password length, set the value to 1.
To set the number of login failures that lock out an account, type a number in the Account Lockout Threshold field. To
disable the account lockout threshold, type 0.
Storage Center Maintenance