Administrator Guide

Report Type Description
Storage Center Summary: Displays information about storage space and the number of
storage objects on the Storage Center.
Displaying Reports
The Reports view can display Storage Center Automated reports and Chargeback reports.
View a Storage Center Automated Report
The contents of Storage Center reports are congured in the Data Collector automated reports settings.
1. Click the Reports view. The Automated Reports tab appears and it displays all of the Storage Center and Chargeback reports
that can be viewed.
2. To display reports for an individual Storage Center, click the plus sign (+) next to the Storage Center in the Reports pane. The
name of each report that is displayed consists of two parts:
The rst part of the name displays Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, which indicates how often the report is generated.
The second part of the name displays the date and time that the report was generated.
For example, the name of a daily report for June 1st, 2013 would be: Daily - 06/1/2013 23:56:02
Figure 105. Storage Center Automated Reports
3. Select the report to view in the Reports pane or double-click on the report to view in the Automated Reports tab.
The report tabs that are displayed depend on whether the report is a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly report.
Related link
Conguring Automated Report Generation
Storage Center Automated Reports
View a Chargeback Report
You can view a Chargeback report PDF on the Reports view. The Chargeback view also displays Chargeback data.
Chargeback must be enabled.
The Chargeback and Chargeback Savings reports must be enabled in the Data Collector automated reports settings.
Storage Center Reports