Administrator Guide

Low Priority (Tier 3)
The Low Priority profile provides the most cost efficient storage. Creating a volume using the Low Priority profile stores written
data on Tier 3 RAID 10. Snapshot data is stored on Tier 3 RAID 5/6. Storage Center does not migrate data to higher tiers of storage
unless Tier 3 storage becomes full.
Storage Profiles for Flash Optimized Storage
The table below summarizes Storage Profiles available for Flash Optimized storage types. Each profile is described in more detail
following the table.
Name Initial Write Tier Tier (T) and RAID Levels Progression
Low Priority (Tier 3) 3 Writes: T3 RAID 10 snapshots:
T3 RAID 5/6
Flash Optimized with
Progression (Tier 1 to All Tiers)
1 Writes: T1 RAID 10 snapshots:
T2/T3 RAID 5/6
Yes to all tiers
Write Intensive (Tier 1) 1 Writes: T1 RAID 10 snapshots:
T1 RAID 10
Flash Only with Progression
(Tier 1 to Tier 2)
1 Writes: T1 RAID 10 snapshots:
Yes to Tier 2 only
Low Priority with Progression
(Tier 3 to Tier 2)
3 Writes: T3 RAID 10 snapshots:
T3 RAID 5/6 or T2 RAID 5
Yes to Tier 2 only
Low Priority (Tier 3)
The Low Priority profile provides the most cost efficient storage. Creating a volume using the Low Priority profile stores written
data on Tier 3 RAID 10. Snapshot data is stored on Tier 3 RAID 5/6. Storage Center does not migrate data to higher tiers of storage
unless Tier 3 storage becomes full.
Flash Optimized with Progression (Tier 1 to All Tiers)
The Flash Optimized with Progression Storage Profile provides the most efficient storage for an enclosure containing both read-
intensive and write-intensive SSDs. When a storage type uses this profile, all new data is written to write-intensive Tier 1 drives.
Snapshot data is moved to Tier 2, and less-active data progresses to Tier 3.
If Tier 1 fills to within 95% of capacity, Storage Center creates a space management snapshot and moves it immediately to Tier 2 to
free up space on Tier 1. The space management snapshot is moved immediately and does not wait for a scheduled Data
Progression. Space management snapshots are marked as Created On Demand and cannot be modified manually or used to create
View Volumes. Space management snapshots coalesce into the next scheduled or manual snapshot. Storage Center creates only
one on demand snapshot per volume at a time.
Write Intensive (Tier 1)
The Write Intensive Storage Profile directs all initial writes to write-intensive SSDs on Tier 1 (RAID 10). The data does not progress
to any other tier. This profile is useful for storing transaction logs and temporary database files.
Flash Only with Progression (Tier 1 to Tier 2)
The Flash Only with Progression Storage Profile performs initial writes on high-performance Tier 1 drives. Less active data
progresses to Tier 2, but remains on SSDs. This profile is useful for storing volumes with data that requires optimal read
performance, such as golden images, linked clones, and some databases.
Storage Center Overview