Administrator Guide

Modify iDRAC Interface Settings for a Controller
The iDRAC interface provides out-of-band management for the controller. When you reach the Conguration Complete screen:
1. Scroll down to Advanced Steps.
2. Click the Modify BMC Settings link.
3. The Edit BMC Settings dialog box opens.
4. Specify the iDRAC interface settings for the bottom controller and the top controller.
a. In the BMC IP Address eld, type an IP address for the iDRAC interface.
b. In the BMC Net Mask eld, type the network mask.
c. In the BMC Gateway IPv4 Address eld, type the default route for the iDRAC.
5. Click OK.
Conguring Storage Center User Preferences
Storage Center user preferences establish defaults for the Storage Center user account that was used to add the Storage Center to
Storage Manager. Storage Manager honors these preferences.
NOTE: For user interface reference information, click Help.
Set the Default Size for New Volumes
The default volume size is used when a new volume is created unless the user species a dierent value.
1. Select a Storage Center from the Storage view. (Data Collector connected Storage Manager Client only)
2. In the Summary tab, click Edit Settings. The Edit Storage Center Settings dialog box opens.
3. Click the Preferences tab.
4. In the Volume Size eld, type a default size for new volumes in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes
5. Click OK.
Set the Default Base Volume Name for New Volumes
The default base name is used as the name for a new volume unless the user species a dierent name. If one or volumes with the
base name already exist, a number is appended to the base name to create the new volume name.
1. Select a Storage Center from the Storage view. (Data Collector connected Storage Manager Client only)
2. In the Summary tab, click Edit Settings. The Edit Storage Center Settings dialog box opens.
3. Click the Preferences tab.
4. In the Base Volume Name eld, type a name to use as a base for new volumes. The default base is New Volume.
5. Click OK.
Set Default Data Reduction Settings for New Volumes
The default data reduction settings are used when a new volume is created unless the user changes them. You can prevent the
default data reduction settings from being changed during volume creation by clearing the
Allow Data Reduction Selection check
1. Select a Storage Center from the Storage view. (Data Collector connected Storage Manager Client only)
2. In the Summary tab, click Edit Settings. The Edit Storage Center Settings dialog box opens.
3. Click the Preferences tab.
4. Congure data reduction defaults.
In the Data Reduction Prole drop-down menu, set the data reduction prole default for new volumes.
Select the Allow Data Reduction Selection check box to allow users to enable or disable data reduction when creating
5. Click OK.
Storage Center Maintenance