Administrator Guide

Using the Replication Validation Plugin
The Replication Validation plugin displays a table that lists replications and corresponding statuses. Use this plugin to monitor the
status of replications from the current
Storage Center to a destination Storage Center.
Figure 34. Replication Validation Plugin
Related link
Saving and Validating Restore Points
Test Activating Disaster Recovery
Activating Disaster Recovery
Using the Top 10 Fastest Growing Volumes Plugin
The Top 10 Fastest Growing Volumes plugin displays a table that lists the volumes on a Storage Center that are growing at the
fastest rate. Use this plugin to monitor the growth of the ten fastest growing volumes a Storage Center.
Figure 35. Top 10 Fastest Growing Volumes Plugin
Related link
Replicating Volumes
Modifying Live Volumes
Using the Current Threshold Alerts Plugin
The Current Threshold Alerts plugin displays a table that lists active threshold alerts for a Storage Center and associated storage
objects. Use this plugin to monitor current threshold alerts for a
Storage Center.
Figure 36. Current Threshold Alerts Plugin
Related link
Viewing and Deleting Threshold Alerts
Display the Threshold Denition for an Alert
If you want to view the threshold denition that generated an alert in detail, you can go to the denition directly from the alert.
1. Select the alert for which you want to display the threshold denition.
2. Right-click the alert and select Go to Denition, or double-click the alert.
The threshold denition of the selected alert is displayed on the Denitions tab of the Threshold Alerts view.
Viewing Storage Center Information