Administrator Guide

FluidFS Networking
This section contains information about managing the FluidFS cluster networking conguration. These tasks are performed using the
Dell Storage Manager Client.
Managing the Default Gateway
The default gateway enables client access across subnets. Only one default gateway can be dened for each type of IP address
(IPv4 or IPv6). If client access is not through a router (a at network), a default gateway does not need to be dened.
View the Default Gateway
View the current default gateway.
1. In the Storage view, select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System view, select Cluster Connectivity.
4. Click the Client Network tab. The Static Route panel displays the default gateway.
Change the Default Gateway
Change the default gateway if it changes for the network.
1. In the Storage view, select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System view, select Cluster Connectivity, and click the Client Network tab.
4. In the Static Route panel, click Congure Default Gateway. The Congure Default Gateway dialog box opens.
5. In the Default IPv
Gateway eld, type a new default gateway IP address.
To provide a default gateway for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, you need a client subnet of the appropriate type that contains the
default gateway.
6. Click OK.
Managing DNS Servers and Suxes
Domain Name Service (DNS) is a networking service that enables users to locate computers by providing name-to-IP address and IP
address-to-name resolution services. You can congure one or more external DNS servers (external to the
FluidFS cluster but within
the site) to be used for name resolution. A DNS sux species a DNS domain name without the host part of the name (for example, rather than
If clients access the FluidFS cluster by name, you must add an entry in the DNS server that associates the FluidFS cluster name to
the FluidFS cluster client VIPs. If you are using multiple client VIPs, add all client VIPs to the DNS server and associate them with the
same FluidFS cluster name (known as round-robin DNS). This association enables client load balancing between client VIPs. In
addition, you must congure DNS if you are using Active Directory, and the DNS servers must be the same DNS servers that your
Active Directory domain controllers use.
FluidFS Networking