Administrator Guide

3. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Edit Settings. The Edit SMB Share Settings dialog box appears.
4. Select Content in the vertical tab.
5. Enable or disable showing les with names starting with a dot.
To enable showing les with names starting with a dot, select the Show les with name starting with a dot check box.
To disable showing les with names starting with a dot, clear the Show les with name starting with a dot check box.
6. Click Apply, then click OK.
Branch Cache
Branch cache, when properly congured in both the client computers and the FluidFS, signicantly improves performance for
consecutive reads from dierent clients on the same network of large le over WAN. To optimize WAN bandwidth when users
access content on remote servers, branch cache reads content from the main oce and caches the content at branch oce
locations, allowing client computers at branch oces to retrieve the data locally. When branch cache is congured, Windows branch
cache clients rst retrieve content from the storage system and then cache the content on a computer within the branch oce. If
another branch-cache-enabled client in the branch oce requests the same content, the storage system rst authenticates and
authorizes the requesting user. The storage system then determines whether the cached content is still up-to-date and, if it is, sends
the client metadata about the cached content. The client then uses the metadata to retrieve content directly from the local host of
the cache, if such data exists locally.
Branch Cache Limitations
FluidFs will not calculate hash for les smaller than 64KB, or larger than 256MB.
The hash calculation will not be performed on read-only / full / replication destination volume.
Branch Cache V2 segment will be a xed size of TBD.
Conguring Branch Cache
Branch cache must be properly congured on each client that supports branch cache on the branch oce site. On Windows 7 or 8,
set the appropriate group policies. Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates >
Network > Turn on BranchCache > Enabled
. On Windows 8.1, you can also congure branch cache using PowerShell
cmdlets such as Enable-BCHostedClient -ServerNames <Hosted Cache Server Name>. Branch cache is enabled
by default. To disable (or re-enable) branch cache:
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select SMB Shares.
4. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Edit Settings. The Edit SMB Share Settings dialog box appears.
5. Select Advanced in the vertical tab.
6. Select (or deselect) the Enable branch cache check box.
7. Click Apply, then OK.
For more information about branch cache conguration, refer to the technet article located at: http://
Accessing an SMB Share Using UNIX or Linux
Mount the SMB share from a UNIX or Linux operating system using one of the following commands:
# mount -t smbfs -o user_name=<username>,password=<password>//<client_VIP_or_name>/
<SMB_share_name> /<local_folder>
# smbmount //<client_VIP_or_name>/<SMB_share_name> /<local_folder> -o user_name=<username>
FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports