Administrator Guide

~ # esxcli software vib install –v esxcli software vib install -v file:///tmp/
5. Reboot the ESXi host.
Plugin Verication
To check if the VAAI plugin is installed in an ESXi host, type the following command in the ESXi console:# esxcli software
vib list | grep Dell_FluidFSNASVAAI
A positive reply should return:
Dell_FluidFSNASVAAI 1.1.0-250 DELL VMwareAccepted 2015-02-17
To verify that an FS Series datastore has VAAI enabled use the command vmkfstools –P in the ESXi host console. The following
example illustrates the query and output for a datastore named FSseries_datastore residing on a FS Series v4 or later system:
~ # vmkfstools -Ph /vmfs/volumes/FSseries_Datastore/
NFS-1.00 file system spanning 1 partitions
File system label (if any): FSseries_Datastore
Mode: public
Capacity 200 GB, 178.3 GB available, file block size 4 KB, max file size 16777216 TB
UUID: 1cec81cb-6db87d1c-0000-000000000000
Partitions spanned (on "notDCS"):
NAS VAAI Supported: YES
Is Native Snapshot Capable: YES
Removal Instructions
To remove the VAAI plugin from an ESXi host:
1. Execute the following command in the ESXi host console:
~ # esxcli software vib remove -n Dell_FluidFSNASVAAI
2. Reboot the ESXi host.
FS Series VAAI Plugin