Administrator Guide

Managed Replication Before Live Volume Swap Role
In the following diagram, the primary Storage Center is on the left and the secondary Storage Center is located on the right.
Figure 80. Live Volume with Managed Replication Example Conguration
1. Server 2. Server IO request to primary volume over Fibre Channel
or iSCSI
3. Primary volume (Live Volume and managed replication) 4. Live Volume replication over Fibre Channel or iSCSI
5. Secondary volume (Live Volume) 6. Server IO request to secondary volume (forwarded to
primary Storage Center by secondary Storage Center)
7. Server 8. Destination volume (managed replication)
9. Managed replication over Fibre Channel or iSCSI
Managed Replication After Live Volume Swap Role
In the following diagram, a swap role has occurred so the secondary Storage Center is on the left and the primary Storage Center is
located on the right. The managed replication has moved to follow the primary volume.
Figure 81. Live Volume with Managed Replication Example Conguration After Swap Role
Server 2. Server IO request to secondary volume (forwarded to
primary Storage Center by secondary Storage Center)
3. Secondary volume (Live Volume) 4. Live Volume replication over Fibre Channel or iSCSI
5. Primary volume (Live Volume and managed replication) 6. Server IO request to primary volume over Fibre Channel
or iSCSI
7. Server 8. Destination volume (managed replication)
9. Managed replication over Fibre Channel or iSCSI
Managed Replication Requirements
Each Storage Center that participates in the Live Volume and managed replication conguration must meet specic requirements.
The primary and secondary Storage Centers (Live Volume) must be running version 6.5 or later and meet the Live Volume
Storage Center Replications and Live Volumes