Administrator Guide

The destination Storage Center (managed replication) must be running version 6.5 or later and meet the replication requirements.
Related link
Replication Requirements
Live Volume Requirements
Creating Live Volumes
Create a Live Volume to replicate a volume to another Storage Center while allowing servers to send IO for the volume to both
Storage Centers. This additional exibility can be used to perform planned outages without interrupting volume availability.
NOTE: For user interface reference information, click Help.
Convert a Single Volume to a Live Volume
To convert a single volume to a Live Volume, create the Live Volume from the Storage view.
The Live Volume requirements must be met. See Live Volume Requirements.
About this task
Fluid Cache volumes cannot be the primary or secondary volume in a Live Volume.
1. Click the Storage view.
2. In the Storage pane, select the Storage Center that hosts the volume you want to replicate.
3. Click the Storage tab.
4. In the Storage tab navigation tree, select the volume.
5. In the right pane, click Convert to Live Volume.
If one or more QoS denitions exist, the Convert to Live Volume wizard appears.
If a Quality of Service (QoS) denition has not been created, the Create Replication QoS wizard appears. Use this wizard
to create a QoS denition before you congure a Live Volume.
NOTE: Live Volume QoS settings are only enforced on the primary Storage Center and are not enforced on the
secondary Storage Center until it becomes the primary Storage Center.
6. Select the secondary Storage Center for the Live Volume, then click Next.
The wizard advances to the next page.
If Fibre Channel or iSCSI connectivity is not congured between the local and remote Storage Centers, a dialog box appears.
Click Yes to congure iSCSI connectivity between the Storage Centers.
7. (Optional) Modify Live Volume default settings.
In the Replication Attributes area, congure options that determine how replication behaves.
In the Destination Volume Attributes area, congure storage options for the destination volume and map the destination
volume to a server.
In the Live Volume Attributes area, select a QoS node for the secondary Storage Center, congure the automatic swap role
policy, or enable automatic failover and automatic restore.
In the Managed Replications area, congure a managed replication that replicates the Live Volume primary volume to a
third Storage Center.
8. Click Finish.
The volume is converted to a Live Volume and begins to replicate to the secondary Storage Center.
Related link
Live Volume Requirements
Live Volume Types
Managed Replications for Live Volumes
Storage Center Replications and Live Volumes