Administrator Guide

Performing Threshold Queries
Threshold queries allow you to query historical data based on threshold criteria. For example, if a Storage Center experienced a spike
of IO usage, you could create a threshold query to discover the threshold denition settings that would have detected the event.
After you nd the threshold settings you need, you can use them to create a threshold denition that will automatically monitor the
Storage Center.
Figure 104. Threshold Queries Tab
View Saved Queries
Saved threshold queries appear in the Saved Queries pane. Public queries can be viewed by all Storage Manager users. Personal
queries are visible only to the user that created the query.
1. Click the Threshold Alerts view.
2. Click the Queries tab. The Queries tab appears.
Public and personal queries are displayed in the Saved Queries pane.
3. To refresh the list of saved queries, click Refresh on the Threshold Alerts pane.
Create a Threshold Query
Create a threshold query to test threshold denition settings against historical data. New queries can be run immediately or saved for
future use.
1. Click the Threshold Alerts view.
2. Click the Queries tab. The Queries tab appears.
3. Perform the following steps in the Save Query Filter Values pane:
a. Click New. If the New button is grayed out, skip to step b.
b. Enter a name for the query in the Name eld.
c. Specify whether or not to make the query available to other Storage Manager users by selecting or clearing the Public
check box. By default, a new query is a personal query and is not available to other users.
4. Perform the following steps in the Query Filter pane:
a. Select whether the query is for all Storage Centers or a specic Storage Center.
To select all of the Storage Centers for the query, select the All Storage Centers check box.
To select a specic Storage Center for the query, clear the All Storage Centers check box and select a Storage Center
from the drop-down menu.
b. Select the type of query to create from the rst Denition drop-down menu.
c. Select the type of storage object to query from the second Denition drop-down menu.
Storage Center Threshold Alerts