Administrator Guide

Migrating a Microsoft SQL Server Database
If the database server is Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, or 2014, the Data Collector database can be migrated to a new Microsoft
SQL Server.
1. Back up the database on the original Microsoft SQL Server.
2. Set up a new Microsoft SQL Server and congure it to use mixed mode authentication (SQL Server and Windows
Authentication mode).
3. Perform a restore of the database on the new Microsoft SQL Server.
4. After the database is restored, create the required database user.
a. Create a database user named compmsauser. Do not assign the user to a schema at this time.
b. Set the password of the compmsauser database user to the password it was assigned in the previous database.
If you did not previously change the password, the default password is R3p0r!cty4sgs.
If you do not remember the password or you want to use a dierent password, you must enter the new password when
you run the Change Data Source wizard in Step 6.
5. Run the following query on the compmsadb:
sp_change_users_login ‘update_one, ‘compmsauser’, ‘compmsauser’
6. After the query nishes, use the Data Collector Manager to change the data source to the new database.
NOTE: If you changed the password, select the Use Custom Password check box and type the password in the
Custom Password eld.
Related link
Change Data Collector Data Source
Uninstalling the Data Collector
On the server that hosts the Data Collector, use the Windows Programs and Features control panel item to uninstall the Storage
Manager Data Collector
Deleting Old Data Collector Databases
Delete the Data Collector database if you have migrated the database to a dierent database server or if you have removed the Data
Collector from your environment.
Clean up a MySQL Database
Remove Storage Manager data from the database and reinstall the Data Collector.
1. Enter the following SQL commands as an Admin user:
mysql> Drop Database compmsadb; mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User =
'compmsauser'; mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE user = 'compmsauser'; mysql> FLUSH
2. Reinstall the Storage Manager Data Collector.
Clean up a Microsoft SQL Database
Remove Storage Manager data from the database and reinstall the Data Collector.
1. Enter the following SQL commands as an Admin user:
Drop Database compmsadb; EXEC SP_DropLogin 'compmsauser';
2. Reinstall the Storage Manager Data Collector.
Data Collector Management