Administrator Guide

3. In the right pane, click the User Groups tab.
Figure 146. User Groups Tab
4. Select the Storage Manager user group to which you want to add a directory user.
5. Click Add Directory Users. The Add Directory Users dialog box opens.
Figure 147. Add Directory Users Dialog Box
6. In the Directory Users eld, type the name of each directory user that you want to add. Enter each user name on a single line.
For OpenLDAP, the user name format is supported (example: user).
For Active Directory, the following user name formats are supported:
User name (example: user)
User Principal Name (example: user@domain)
NOTE: To add users that belong to a domain other than the domain for which the Data Collector is congured,
use the User Principal Name format.
7. Click Check Names to verify that the specied users exist in the directory service. A message appears.
NOTE: Checking names is not supported on domains for which a one-way trust is congured.
8. Click OK to close the message.
9. If any of the specied directory user names could not be veried, correct the names and then click Check Names again.
10. When you are nished, click OK. The Add Directory Users dialog box closes, and the directory users that are associated with
the selected Storage Manager user group appear on the Users subtab.
Related link
Congure the Data Collector to Use a Directory Service
Storage Manager User Management