Reference Guide

–copyhistory {true|false}
Species whether the Replay history of the source volume is copied to the destination volume. If set to false, only current active data is
–deletesource {true|false}
Species whether to delete the source volume after migration.
–destvolumeindex integer
Species the index of the destination volume for the migrate operation.
Shows help for command options.
–priority string
Species the priority of a CMM operation. Available options are:
–reversemirror {true|false}
Species whether to mirror back to the source volume upon completion of a migration.
–sourcevolumeindex integer
Species the index of the source volume for the migrate operation.
Migrate a source volume with an index of 42 to a destination volume with an index of 56 and mirror back to the source volume:
cmm migrate -sourcevolumeindex 42 -destvolumeindex 56 -reversemirror true
Migrate a source volume with an index of 5 to a destination volume with an index of 30 and copy Replay history in addition to current active
cmm migrate -sourcevolumeindex 5 -destvolumeindex 30 -copyhistory true
cmm mirror
Creates a new CMM mirror operation on the Storage Center to mirror all data from a source volume to a destination volume. Copy/Mirror/
Migrate (CMM) is a Storage Center feature that enables volumes to be migrated between dierent disk types and RAID levels.
Command Reference