Administrator Guide

Example Two: Set-SCVolume
Set-SCVolume illustrates dierences in cmdlet syntax between versions 5.x and 6.x/7.x. The version 6.x/7.x syntax is cleaner and
easier to use than the version 5.x syntax.
Set-SCVolume Syntax Version 5.x
Set-SCVolume [-NewName <String>] [-NewNotes <String>] [-EnableReadCache [<Boolean>]] [-
EnableReadAheadCache [<Boolean>]] [-EnableWriteCache [<Boolean>]] [-NewParentFolder
<String>] [-NewParentSCVolumeFolder <SCVolumeFolder>] [[-Name] <String>] [-Index <UInt32>]
[-ParentFolder <String>] [-LogicalPath <String>] [-Notes <String>] [-Size <String>] [-
ReadCacheEnabled [<Boolean>]] [-ReadAheadCacheEnabled [<Boolean>]] [-WriteCacheEnabled
[<Boolean>]] [-ActiveController <UInt32>] [-Status <String>] [-SerialNumber <String>] [-
StorageType <String>] [-IsReplicated [<Boolean>]] [-IsCopying [<Boolean>]] [-IsMirrored
[<Boolean>]] [-SCStorageProfile <SCStorageProfile>] StorageProfileIndex <UInt32>] [-
StorageProfileName <String>] [-ReplayProfileIndex <UInt32>] [-ReplayProfileName <String>] [-
SCReplayProfile <SCReplayProfile>] [-SCVolume <SCVolume>] [-Connection <SCConnection>] [-
ConnectionName <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-
WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-SCVolume Syntax Version 6.x/7.x
Set-SCVolume [-SCVolume] <SCVolume> [-Name <String>] [-Notes <String>] [-EnableReadCache
[-EnableReadAheadCache [<Boolean>]] [-EnableWriteCache [<Boolean>]] [-ParentSCVolumeFolder
[-Connection <SCConnection>] [-ConnectionName <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
In this case, the ltering commands were removed and replaced by the -SCVolume parameter.
Migrating Existing Scripts
Syntax changes between the versions impact existing scripts. Scripts written for version 5.x will not run using version 6.x or 7.x
without modication. Dell recommends modifying old scripts to run with version 7.x as soon as possible.
As an interim solution, the version 6.x and 7.x snapins are designed to coexist with the version 5.x snapin. To work together, the
changes described in the following sections were made in versions 6.x and 7.x.
Install Procedure Modication
To preserve version 5.x availability, the version 6.x and 7.x install procedures do not automatically remove version 5.x. When version
5.x is no longer needed, you must explicitly remove the version 5.x software by going to Windows Control PanelPrograms and
Features and manually uninstalling the older version.
New Name for PowerShell Snapin
The snapin name for version 6.x/7.x is Compellent.StorageCenter.PSSnapin. For version 5.x, the snapin name remains
Scripts using the version 5.x snapin should include the Add-PSSnapin Compellent.StorageCenter.Scripting cmdlet.
Scripts using the version 6.x or 7.x snapin should include the Add-PSSnapin Compellent.StorageCenter.PSSnapin cmdlet.
For script examples, see Snapins for Versions 5.x and 7.x Script Examples.
Internal Object Type Modications
Names and denitions for internal types have changed. For example, in version 5.x the name of the Volume type was
SCCommandSet.SCObjects.Volume; in version 6.x/7.x the name of the type is SCCommandSet.SCObjects.SCVolume.
These changes mean that you cannot pass objects between versions of commands. For example, you cannot take the result of the
version 5.x Get-SCVolume cmdlet and pipe it into the version 6.x/7.x Set-SCVolume cmdlet.
Migrating Scripts from Version 5.x