Administrator Guide

Disable Data Reduction for a Volume
Disabling Data Reduction on a volume permanently uncompresses the reduced data starting the next data progression cycle.
1 If the Storage Manager Client is connected to a Data Collector, select a Storage Center from the Storage view.
2 Click the Storage tab.
3 In the Storage tab navigation pane, select the volume you want to modify.
4 In the right pane, click Edit Settings.
The Edit Volume dialog box opens.
5 In the Volumes view, select the volume you want to modify.
6 From the Data Reduction Prole drop-down menu, select None.
7 Click OK.
Managing Snapshot Proles
A Snapshot Prole is a collection of rules describing when to take periodic snapshots for one or more volumes and the time at which
snapshots are deleted (expired).
A snapshot is a point-in-time copy (PITC) of one or more volumes. Storage Center snapshots dier from traditional snapshots/PITCs
because blocks of data or pages are frozen and not copied. No user data is moved, making the process ecient in both time taken to
complete the snapshot, and space used by snapshots.
: If two or more snapshots are scheduled to be created at the same time for a given volume, the Storage Center creates
only one snapshot. The snapshot that has the longest expiration time is created, and the other scheduled snapshots are ignored.
Default Snapshot Proles
By default, Storage Center provides two standard snapshot proles that cannot be deleted.
Daily – Creates a snapshot every day at 12:01 AM, and expires the snapshot in one week.
Sample – Applies three schedule rules:
Creates a snapshot every 12 hours between 12:05 AM and 6 PM, expiring in ve days.
Creates a snapshot on the rst day of every month at 11:30 PM, expiring in 26 weeks.
Creates a snapshot every Saturday at 11:30 PM, expiring in 5 weeks.
Consistent and Non-Consistent Snapshot Proles
When a snapshot is taken for a volume, I/O is halted to allow the operation to take place. A consistent snapshot prole halts I/O to all
associated volumes until a
snapshot is taken for each volume, ensuring that the snapshots contain data for the same time period. A non-
consistent snapshot prole creates snapshots for associated volumes without guaranteeing that the snapshots will nish at the same time,
which is less resource intensive.
Snapshot Prole Non-Consistent Snapshot Prole
Halts I/O across all volumes as a group Halts I/O for each volume independently of other volumes.
Resource intensive Less resource intensive — depends on the amount of data written
since the previous snapshot
Number of volumes limited based on storage controller.
SC8000, SC9000, SC7020, and SC7020F: 100
No limit to the number of volumes to which the snapshot prole is
Storage Center Administration 141