Administrator Guide

5 From the Snapshot Creation Method drop-down menu, select an option to control how snapshots triggered by the snapshotprole
are created.
Standard – When selected, takes snapshots in series for all volumes associated with the snapshot.
Parallel – When selected, takes snapshots simultaneously for all volumes associated with the snapshot.
Consistent – When selected, halts I/O and takes snapshots for all volumes associated with the snapshot. Provides options for
timing out
snapshot creation and expiring incomplete snapshots.
6 Click OK.
Delete a Snapshot Prole
A snapshot prole cannot be deleted if it is being used by any volumes.
1 If the Storage Manager Client is connected to a Data Collector, select a Storage Center from the Storage view.
2 Click the Storage tab.
3 In the Storage tab navigation pane, select the Snapshot Prole.
4 Make sure the snapshot prole is not in use by any volumes.
5 In the right pane, click Delete.
The Delete dialog box opens.
6 Click OK.
Managing Expiration Rules for Remote Snapshots
By default, snapshot proles applied to remote volumes have the same rules for expiration as for local volumes. However, you can specify
dierent expiration rules for remote volumes if needed.
: For user interface reference information, click Help.
Create Snapshot Prole Expiration Rules for Remote Snapshots
Create remote expiration rules for a snapshot prole if you want the remote snapshots to expire on a dierent schedule than the local
1 If the Storage Manager Client is connected to a Data Collector, select a Storage Center from the Storage view.
2 Click the Storage tab.
3 In the Storage tab navigation pane, select the Snapshot Prole.
4 In the Schedule Rules pane, right-click the schedule and select Edit Remote Snapshot Expiration.
The Edit Remote Snapshot Expiration dialog box opens.
5 Congure the remote snapshot expiration rule.
a Select one or more Storage Centers for which you want to specify an expiration rule for remote snapshots.
b In the Remote Expiration eld, specify the number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks to keep the remote snapshot before
deleting it.
c Click OK.
Modify a Snapshot Prole Expiration Rule for Remote Snapshots
Modify a remote expiration rule for a snapshot prole to change the time at which remote snapshots are expired.
1 If the Storage Manager Client is connected to a Data Collector, select a Storage Center from the Storage view.
2 Click the Storage tab.
3 In the Storage tab navigation pane, select the Snapshot Prole.
Storage Center Administration