Administrator Guide

1 Click the Servers view.
2 In the Servers pane, select a Windows-based NAS appliance. The Summary tab appears.
3 Click the IPMI tab.
4 Click Clear SEL. The Clear SEL dialog box appears.
5 Click OK. The system event log is cleared.
Shut Down a Windows-Based NAS Appliance
If the IPMI card is congured correctly, you can remotely shut down a Windows-based NAS appliance.
The IPMI card in the appliance must be congured.
IPMI card information must be congured in Storage Manager.
1 Click the Servers view.
2 In the Servers pane, select a Windows-based NAS appliance. The Summary tab appears.
3 Click the IPMI tab.
4 Click Power O. The Power O dialog box appears.
5 Click OK. The appliance is powered o.
Reset the Power for a Windows-Based NAS Appliance
If the IPMI card is congured correctly, you can remotely reset power for a Windows-based NAS appliance.
The IPMI card in the appliance must be congured.
IPMI card information must be congured in Storage Manager.
1 Click the Servers view.
2 In the Servers pane, select a Windows-based NAS appliance. The Summary tab appears.
3 Click the IPMI tab.
4 Click Power Reset. The Power Reset dialog box appears.
5 Click OK. The appliance power is reset.
Storage Center Server Administration