Administrator Guide

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Replicating Volumes
Modifying Live Volumes
Using the Current Threshold Alerts Plugin
The Current Threshold Alerts plugin displays a table that lists active threshold alerts for a Storage Center and associated storage objects.
Use this plugin to monitor current threshold alerts for a Storage Center.
Figure 35. Current Threshold Alerts Plugin
Related link
Viewing and Deleting Threshold Alerts
Display the Threshold Denition for an Alert
If you want to view the threshold denition that generated an alert in detail, you can go to the denition directly from the alert.
1 Select the alert for which you want to display the threshold denition.
2 Right-click the alert and select Go to Denition, or double-click the alert.
The threshold denition of the selected alert is displayed on the Denitions tab of the Threshold Alerts view.
Related link
Conguring Threshold Denitions
Update the List of Threshold Alerts
Refresh the list of threshold alerts to see an updated list of alerts.
Click Refresh to update the list of alerts.
Viewing Detailed Storage Usage Information
Detailed storage usage information is available for each Storage Type that is congured for a Storage Center.
View Storage Usage by Tier and RAID Type
Storage usage by tier and RAID type is displayed for each Storage Type.
1 If the Storage Manager Client is connected to a Data Collector, select a Storage Center from the Storage view.
2 Click the Storage tab.
3 In the Storage tab navigation pane, expand Storage Type, then select the individual storage type you want to examine.
4 Click the Summary subtab to view storage usage by tier and RAID type.
Viewing Storage Center Information