Administrator Guide

Workaround This is a minor, user-level issue. Frequent events of this type might indicate a malicious attempt to access
restricted data.
NFS Write to Read-Only Export
Description An NFS client tries to perform modications on a read-only NFS export.
Cause An NFS export can be dened as a read-only NFS export. A client accessing a read-only NFS export cannot
perform write operations or modify included les.
Workaround This event, by itself, does not require any administrative intervention.
NFS Write To Read-Only NAS Volume
Description A client tries to modify a le on a read-only NAS volume.
Cause A NAS volume is set to read-only when it is the target of a replication.
The most frequent reason for this event is either:
The client meant to access the target system for read purposes, but also tries to modify a le by mistake.
The client accesses the wrong system due to similarity in name/IP address.
The client is accessing a NAS volume that was made a replication target without the client’s knowledge.
Refer the client to the correct NAS volume.
In order to write to the NAS volume, replication must be terminated rst so the NAS volume becomes
NFS Write to Snapshot
An NFS client tries to modify a le located in a snapshot.
Cause NAS volume snapshots cannot be modied by design.
Workaround Inform the client that snapshot data cannot be modied. A snapshot is an exact representation of the NAS
volume data at the time of its creation.
Troubleshoot NAS File Access and Permissions Issues
This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common NAS le access and permissions problems.
Cannot Change the Ownership of a File or a Folder
Every le on the FluidFS cluster is owned by either a UNIX or NTFS user. Inability to change ownership is
treated dierently, depending on whether the access is native or non-native.
Cause The user is not authorized to perform the ownership change.
Workaround An authorized user must perform this action.
Cannot Modify NAS Files
A user or an application cannot modify a le.
The client cannot modify a le due to lack of permissions on the le.
504 FluidFS Administration