Administrator Guide

Remove an iSCSI Connection to a Remote Storage Center
If no replications or Live Volumes are dened for a remote storage system, the iSCSI connection to the remote storage system can be
The storage system(s) for which you want to congure iSCSI connections must be added to Storage Manager.
1 Click the Storage view.
2 In the Storage pane, select a Storage Center.
3 Click the Storage tab.
4 In the Storage tab navigation pane, select the remote Storage Center.
5 In the right pane, click Congure iSCSI Connection. The Congure iSCSI Connection wizard appears.
6 Clear the check box for each iSCSI port that you want to remove from the connection. If you remove all iSCSI ports, the remote
Storage Center is disconnected from the local Storage Center.
7 When you are done, click Finish.
Creating and Managing Replication Quality of Service
Replication Quality of Service (QoS) denitions control how bandwidth is used for replications, Live Volumes, and Live Migrations. Create a
QoS denition before you create a replication, Live Volume, or Live Migration.
Create a QoS Denition
Create a QoS denition to control how bandwidth is used to send replication and Live Volume data between local and remote Storage
. A QoS denition is also required to create a Live Migration of a volume.
The Storage Center for which you want to congure a QoS denition must be added to Storage Manager.
1 Click the Replications & Live Volumes view.
2 Click the QoS Nodes tab.
3 In the right pane, click Create QoS Node. The Create Replication QoS wizard appears.
4 Select the Storage Center for which you want to create a QoS node, then click Next. The Create page appears.
5 Congure the attributes of the QoS denition.
a In the Name eld, type a name for the QoS denition.
b In the Link Speed eld, specify the speed of the link in megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps).
c Select the Bandwidth Limited check box, then click Finish. The wizard closes and the Edit Replication QoS Schedule dialog
box appears.
6 Congure bandwidth limits for replications and Live Volumes associated with the QoS denition.
a Limit bandwidth for a time range by clicking the rst cell in the range and dragging to the last cell in the range, then right-click
the selection and select the percentage of available bandwidth that can be used.
: If you select Blocked for a time range, no data is transferred during that period for all replications, Live
Volumes, and Live Migrations that are associated with the QoS node. This can cause synchronous replications to
become unsynchronized. Live Migrations that use only blocked QoS nodes cannot be completed.
b Limit bandwidth for other time ranges as needed.
Remote Storage Centers and Replication QoS