Administrator Guide

Resume a Paused Replication
Resume a paused replication to allow volume data to be copied to the remote Storage Center.
1 Click the Replications & Live Volumes view.
2 On the Replications tab, select the paused replication, then click Resume. The Resuming Replication dialog box appears.
3 Click OK.
Set Threshold Alert Denitions for a Live Volume
Congure one or more Threshold Alert Denitions for a Live Volume if you want to be notied when specic thresholds are reached, such
as the amount of replication data waiting to be transferred or the percentage of replication data that has been transferred.
1 Click the Replications & Live Volumes view.
2 On the Live Volumes tab, select the Live Volume, then click Set Threshold Alert Denitions. The Set Threshold Alert Denitions
dialog box appears.
3 Select the alert denition for which you want to congure a threshold alert, then click Create Threshold Denition. The Create
Threshold Denition dialog box appears.
4 Congure the threshold denition attributes as needed, then click OK. These attributes are described in the online help.
5 Click OK to close the Set Threshold Alert Denitions dialog box.
Delete a Live Volume
Use the Live Volumes tab to delete a Live Volume.
About this task
If the Live Volume manages a replication, the managed replication is converted into a standalone replication when the Live Volume is
1 Click the Replications & Live Volumes view.
2 On the Live Volumes tab, select the Live Volume, then click Delete. The Delete Objects dialog box appears.
3 Select deletion options:
Convert to Replication: Select this check box to convert the Live Volume to a replication.
: When you delete a Live Volume, the QoS settings are retained on the primary Storage Center volume and the QoS
settings on the secondary Storage Center volume are modied to the system defaults.
Recycle Secondary Volume: Enable this check box if you want to move the secondary volume to the Recycle Bin on the
secondary Storage Center.
Delete Secondary Volume: Select this check box if you do not want to retain the deleted secondary volume in the Recycle Bin
(not recommended).
: If you delete the secondary volume, you cannot recover the volume — it is permanently deleted from the
Storage Center.
Delete Restore Point: Select this check box to delete the restore point for the Live Volume.
4 When you are nished, click OK.
Storage Center Replications and Live Volumes