Administrator Guide

7 Select how to assign a base cost to storage from the Assign Cost By dropdown.
Global Disk Classes: Costs are assigned to each available disk class.
Individual Storage Center Disk Tier: Costs are assigned per storage tier level for each Storage Center.
8 Select a location from the Currency Locale drop-down menu to specify the type currency to display in Chargeback.
For example, if the selected location is United States, the currency unit is dollars ($).
NOTE: If selecting a location causes characters to be displayed incorrectly, download the appropriate Windows language
9 To specify a department that unassigned volumes will be assigned to when Chargeback is run, select the Use Default Department
check box and enter select the department from the Default Department drop-down menu.
10 To automatically create a report when Chargeback is run:
a Select the Export Report check box.
b To automatically create individual department reports when Chargeback is run, select the Export Department Reports check
c Enter the complete path of a directory to save the reports to in the Export Report Directory eld. The directory must be a
public directory that exists on the same server as the Storage Manager Data Collection Manager.
d Select the le format of the Chargeback reports from the Export Report File Type drop-down menu.
11 Select how often to perform an automated Chargeback run from the Schedule drop-down menu.
Daily: An automated Chargeback run is performed once a day.
Weekly: An automated Chargeback run is performed once a week on the day selected from the Day of Week drop-down menu.
Monthly: An automated Chargeback run is performed once a month.
Quarterly: An automated Chargeback run is performed once a quarter starting with the month selected the First Month drop-
down menu and every third month thereafter.
12 Click Next.
If you selected Global Disk Classes in step 7, see Assign Storage Costs for Global Disk Classes.
If you selected Individual Storage Center Disk Tier in step 7, see Assign Storage Costs for Storage Center Disk Tiers.
Assign Storage Costs for Global Disk Classes
If the Edit Chargeback Settings wizard displays this page, assign a cost to each disk class.
1 For each available disk class, select the unit of storage on which to base the storage cost from the per drop-down menu.
2 For each available disk class, enter an amount to charge per unit of storage in the Cost eld.
Storage Center Chargeback